Sunday, July 7, 2013

Cat lady

Već sam pomenula da sam pravi mačkoljubac (mada ne više nego zecoljubac, njih stvarno obožavam), i u poslednje vreme sve češće crtam mačke i pravim neki mačkasti nakit.
Inspiracija za ovaj prsten je bila tetovaža na ruci jedne od mojih omiljenih blogerki Kejle sa TheDaintySquid bloga (klik).
I already mentioned that I am a huge cat lover (Aldo I love bunnies more. In fact I adore bunnies.), and lately I have been drawing a lot of cats and had few orders for some cat jewelry.
Inspiration for this ring came from one of my favorite bloggers - Kaylah from TheDaintySquid.

Oduvek me interesovalo zbog čega mačke predu i u potrazi za odgovorom sam nabasala na ovaj genijalni video, gde doduše nije objašneno zbog čega predu (još uvek se ne zna), ali je objašnjeno mnogo zanimljivih stvari vezano za mačke.
Uživajte :)
I always wanted to know why cats purr, and while searching for an answer I found this reallly cool video. There is no exact answer why cats purr in it (in fact scientist are not yet sure what causes it), but there are a lot of cool facts about them and their behaviour.
Enjoy :)